Hackers target commercial companies, government organizations, and private individuals. Their goal is to gain access to IT systems and disrupt their operations, alter, steal, or destroy data.

No one is fully immune to hacker attacks, but they can be prevented by following basic cybersecurity rules. Here’s what you should do right now:

Update your software and OS

Start a new year afresh. Namely, update your devices and software. Begin by updating your operating system, then proceed with app updates, as these often include new features that depend on the latest OS version. At this point, set up automatic updates to avoid doing this manually in the future.

Update your password manager or start using one

Passwords are the first line of defense for your online accounts. A minimum password length should be 8–12 characters, and it should include all available symbols, uppercase letters, and transliterations.

We highly recommend using different passwords for social media accounts, corporate emails, online banking, etc. Of course, remembering all of them can be challenging, so it’s best to store them in a password manager. This service is designed to keep confidential information in an encrypted form on remote servers or in a secure local folder.

Passwords should be changed every 90 days or so, and you should never reuse them, even for different accounts. A password manager will remind you to update them and even generate new ones.

Enable two-factor authentication

A password alone can’t protect your accounts. Simple passwords can often be guessed in four attempts. To make your online life and work even safer, you need two-factor authentication.

It suggests that besides your password, you also need to enter a one-time code sent via SMS or email. Authentication apps are becoming increasingly popular as well. Install one on your phone or computer, and it will automatically generate a code that must be used within a certain time. A hacker would not only need to crack your password, but also input this code to access your account. You’ll receive a notification if someone tries to log in. The code is time-sensitive and self-destructs after use.

Use email the right way

Phishing is the most common type of hacking. Moreover, it is carried out without additional technical tools. It is a pure manipulation and deceit. For example, a user receives an email asking them to confirm a subscription to OneDrive. To so this, they are asked to click a link and fill out a form. But the link leads to a fraudulent page. Even though the email may look legitimate, featuring the Microsoft logo.

When you enter your details and click “Submit”, you’re in fact handing them over to the fraudster. Also, the link could contain malware capable of wrecking a company’s IT systems just like that.

Always check the sender’s email address, it will be different from an official one created on the company domain. Never click a link if you’re unsure that it is meant for you.

Create backups

Everything should be backed up: vacation photos on your phone, work documents on your computer, CRM system data, and more. Do this regularly so that even if your device fails or hackers compromise your IT systems, you and your business won’t be in a complete disaster.

We recommend following the “3-2-1” rule: make at least three copies of your data, store them on two different media, and keep one copy outside your IT infrastructure, such as in the cloud. Set up a backup plan, so, for instance, the system creates backups every night while you sleep.

For example, the cloud provider GigaCloud offers a BaaS service that allows you to create and store backups in the cloud.

Use cloud technologies

Cloud providers offer a high level of cybersecurity. Firewalls and threat monitoring software help protect your IT systems and network from hacker attacks. The cloud has greater bandwidth than most private networks, so it is less likely to fail under the pressure of intense DDoS attacks.

GigaCloud also offers a DRaaS service for disaster recovery. It helps restore data in case of emergencies.

Stay up-to-date on recent attacks and develop a cybersecurity plan

By keeping up with the news, you can gain insight into how hackers are breaking into accounts, websites, apps, and IT systems in general. This will help you identify weaknesses in your cybersecurity, improve them, and stay ahead of potential threats.

Additionally, you should develop a plan for implementing and maintaining cybersecurity within your company. Train employees and always stick to cyber hygiene.