A private cloud can be compared to a rented apartment in a multi-storey building. You have your own kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. You can rearrange the furniture, repaint the walls and do whatever you want. If you go deeper into the details, then the concept of a private cloud is much more complicated.

What is a private cloud, what are its features and advantages is explained below.

What is a private cloud

Private cloud is a physically isolated virtual infrastructure with exclusive access of one customer. It can be connected to an already existing infrastructure or integrated with a public cloud. Its functionality is similar to the one of an own data center. However, unlike a data center that needs to be built and maintained, a private cloud can be rented from a cloud operator.

A private cloud is intended for large companies with many IT services for which high information security and the ability to withstand peak loads on the IT infrastructure are important. For example, Naftogaz transferred its services to the GigaCloud private cloud and experienced a number of benefits. Including: the ability to flexibly increase computing capacity and increase the level of continuity of IT services.

How it works

Virtualization technology is used in a private cloud, as well as in a public or hybrid cloud. It helps you to combine computing resources into common pools and automatically initialize them depending on the needs of the company. This allows you to scale resources and use them most efficiently. In a private cloud environment, these computing resources belong to only one company. Each of its employees accesses the cloud through the company’s internal network or a virtual private network (VPN).

Types of private clouds

There are many options for hosting IT services in a private cloud. The most popular options are:

  • A virtual private cloud. It differs from ordinary private clouds in that computing resources are placed in a separate part of the cloud, and not in a local environment.
  • A hosted private cloud. It is placed in a local environment or data center (at the same time, other users do not have access to the server).
  • A managed private cloud. An operator manages the cloud environment, monitors changes in it, can deploy additional cloud services and update them. A managed private cloud server can significantly speed up a company’s work and reduce the amount of required IT resources.

Benefits of using

In addition to the fact that the customer of the private cloud retains full ownership of the private cloud infrastructure, he receives a number of other advantages:

  • Quick Start. The infrastructure can be acquired and subsequently expanded without spending time on tenders, delivery and set-up of equipment. The cloud operator provides a fully configured and ready-to-use virtualized platform.
  • Full support. Specialists of the cloud operator constantly monitor the state of the system, provide all technical support of the solution, including the replacement of failed components, their upgrade and rapid expansion upon request. If the cloud operator does not provide such services, then you need to think about its competence. GigaCloud tech support, for example, works 24/7 and provides all the above services.
  • Cost optimization. There is no initial investment in a private cloud. Like public cloud infrastructure, private cloud is provided on a rental basis.
  • Security and performance. The rented hardware is used only by the customer, which guarantees high productivity and safety. GigaCloud provides a high level of information security management, confirmed by ISO 27001 and Comprehensive information protection system certificates.

Difference between a private and a public cloud

A private cloud is a cloud deployment model that assumes that only one company will use its computing resources. In addition, the customer’s equipment is installed on a shielded rack in a separate room and isolated from other users. The cloud can be managed by the client and by the operator specialists as well.

The public cloud is managed by the operator, and many companies and private individuals use it at the same time. Companies can combine private cloud with public cloud in a hybrid cloud environment.

That is, your private cloud is a rented separate apartment in a high-rise building. A public one can be compared to renting a room in a family-type dormitory. You have your own space and you can do whatever you want in it, but you still have to wait in line to cook dinner in the kitchen. So, it’s up to you to choose.