There are different options for using cloud services. Public, private, hybrid or multi-cloud – which cloud is better? The choice of a specific model depends on the needs of your business. Let’s understand the features of cloud services.

Public cloud

This is the most common way of using cloud technologies. All hardware, software, and infrastructure belong to the provider, which is engaged in its maintenance by its staff of IT specialists. Customers only rent the computing power they require.

Advantages of the public cloud are the following:

  • Cost optimization. You don’t need to buy a server, virtual capacity can be rented.
  • Redistribution of tasks. The cloud operator handles infrastructure maintenance.
  • Scalability. IT resources can be scaled up and down quickly.
  • Reliability. Cloud platforms are not accessible to physical attacks. Data in the cloud is encrypted and protected from third-party interference. Only the customer has access to the services.

Private cloud

A private cloud is a physically isolated virtual infrastructure with exclusive access, increased performance and security. It can be connected to an already existing infrastructure or integrated with a public cloud. A private cloud is intended for large companies with many IT services for which high information security and the ability to withstand peak loads on the IT infrastructure are important.

Advantages of the private cloud are the following:

  • Quick Start. The infrastructure can be obtained in up to 4 weeks and expanded without spending time on tenders, delivery, and configuration of equipment.
  • Full personalization. Servers and components, software can be configured for the most specific needs.
  • Increased security. The customer’s equipment is placed on a shielded rack in a separate room and is isolated from other users.
  • TCO reduction. Unlike your data center, which requires capital investments (СapEx), renting resources in the cloud allows you to avoid operational costs (OpEx).

Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud is a convenient and modern way of organizing business operations. It provides combining private and public clouds into one infrastructure. Public cloud resources can be used to launch new or short-term projects, with gradually increasing of their capacity. A private cloud can host business-critical applications and productive environments that require high performance and security.

Advantages of the hybrid cloud are the following:

  • Combining the strengths of two clouds. The customer receives all the advantages of the dedicated private cloud infrastructure and savings on less critical services in the public cloud.
  • Variability. You can run services, exchange resources and data simultaneously in a private and public cloud.
  • Cost optimization. Additional resources provided by the public cloud are used only when it is necessary.


Multicloud is a deployment model that involves the use of cloud services (SaaS), platforms (PaaS) and infrastructures (IaaS) from several providers simultaneously and independently of each other. This allows the company, for example, to place databases with one operator, object storage with another, and use the third party’s cloud for disaster recovery. All cloud solutions are managed centrally through a special console.

Advantages of the multi-cloud are:

  • Increased reliability.
  • Ability to choose the suitable location of data centers.
  • Reducing the delay of access to infrastructure or services.
  • Compliance with security requirements without limiting the speed of development.
  • Distribution of workloads between different providers.