GigaCloud, a European cloud provider, is offering a new cloud solution — Enterprise Cloud, which is especially suitable for business needs in the EU.

Enterprise Cloud is a VMware-based IaaS solution. It was built using the capacity of the GigaCloud’s new data center, Equinix WA3 in Warsaw, which provides high availability and security.

This new computing resource rental service can be implemented in two ways:

  • As a classic Public Cloud solution, with pricing for separate virtual resources (vCPU, RAM etc.) and virtual clients’ data centers (vDC) not connected to a particular host. Public Cloud involves the use of the provider’s hardware resources together with the other clients.
  • As a Dedicated IaaS, which is a hybrid model of cloud architecture where the client is granted sole use of the dedicated servers and disk groups, while the cloud management infrastructure for the entire cluster is shared and operated by the provider.

‘Thanks to our partnership with Equinix, GigaCloud can now enhance our cloud solutions for business tasks. Enterprise Cloud is a reliable option for any company requiring fault-tolerance and constant flow of high-load processes. It is also versatile and would be a great choice for business of any kind due to its cost-efficiency, high-scalability and security’, says Nazariy Kurochko, GigaCloud co-founder.

For workflows extremely susceptible to downtime and pauses, a Dedicated IaaS model can help ensure constant and undisrupted operation. By separating some of each company’s infrastructure, it resolves the main issue any business with high-load resources has, which is the ‘noisy neighbors’. Thus, Enterprise Cloud is a performance-oriented and tailored to business needs solution.