Get a ready-to-use CRM system and pay for it as a subscription to Netflix. This software usage model is offered by CRM Studio in collaboration with GigaCloud. In this article, we talk about the features and advantages of SuiteCRM as a SaaS solution.

CRM Studio is one of the leaders in the implementation and customization of the SuiteCRM system. The company’s experts have implemented over 200 complex CRM projects in the banking sector, financial and insurance companies, medicine, retail, distribution, contact centers, legal firms, and more over the past ten years. The company’s clients are located in Europe, Asia, Australia, and America. Since 2018, the company has been a partner of GigaCloud.

SuiteCRM is the most popular open-source CRM system in the world

SuiteCRM is a multifunctional open-source system with a powerful administrative part. It looks like building blocks, so it can be easily modified to meet the customer’s needs. In terms of functionality, SuiteCRM competes with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Zoho, and Sugar CRM. But due to its open-source approach, there are no licensing fees per user. This allows companies to save significant budgets on software usage.

The limitation of SuiteCRM is that, like other open-source products, it is provided by the vendor without any warranties. To implement, confidently use, or customize it, you need to have technical specialists on staff or use the services of an integrating company, like CRM Studio. Integrator’s experts install, configure the CRM system for the client, and provide technical support.

“We have our own development department, and if necessary, we make adjustments to the program, integrate it with other systems, and introduce additional features,” says Vasyl Murashko, CRM Studio founder.

SuiteCRM Deployment Options

CRM Studio offers two deployment options for the boxed version of the CRM system: on the client’s hardware and in the clouds, access to which is provided by the clients themselves. If the client does not have one’s own equipment or cloud infrastructure, CRM Studio specialists offer to host the system in the GigaCloud cloud.

“We recommend our clients to host SuiteCRM in the GigaCloud cloud infrastructure,” says Vasyl Murashko, founder of CRM Studio. “This is due to the fast and fault-tolerant operation of the CRM system and the convenient billing system”.

According to Vasyl Murashko, hosting on hardware requires the presence of an IT team that will administrate it, update the software, and promptly solve any problems. For large companies with their own data centers and a large IT team, hosting the CRM system on premise makes sense. But even for them, physical equipment is not a cure-all, as there are a number of unforeseen situations when it can fail.

“One of our clients hosted their critical services on their own equipment. Most purchases were made through the online store. Once there was damage to the database server disk, and it took two weeks to restore it. During this time, the client lost a significant amount of money,” says Vasyl Murashko, CRM Studio founder.

For small and medium businesses, it is better to host in the cloud, as cloud operator specialists take care of all issues related to cloud infrastructure.

SuiteCRM as a SaaS Solution

For SMEs that don’t need to implement overly complex business processes and numerous integrations with existing information systems, CRM Studio, with over 10 years of experience in implementing SuiteCRM and developing extra features for it, will provide it also as a SaaS solution.

Its essence lies in the fact that the integrator will host the locally adjusted SuiteCRM system in the GigaCloud cloud and offer it to its clients. The client will only pay a subscription fee, while updates and technical support for the program will be provided by the integrator. This will give even more freedom in using CRM. Its administrative part will be available to clients, each of whom will be able to choose and configure system modules, business processes, access rights, analytics, and more, as needed and convenient for them.

Vasyl Murashko, CRM Studio founder, highlights the following advantages of cloud SuiteCRM:

  • Cloud SuiteCRM is constantly evolving and improving, expanding the list of features necessary specifically for local businesses, unlike the boxed version, which remains as it was, without additional relevant functionality and integrations.
  • The user will pay only one bill, not two separate ones for CRM and for the platform on which it is hosted.
  • All technical issues related to the operation of cloud CRM are resolved by the integrator. You don’t have to worry about server maintenance, software updates, continuous power supply, and protection against viruses and hacking. All these services are included in the subscription and are performed around the clock.
  • Cloud CRM system has a much more reliable data protection. Data is duplicated on several servers. And GigaCloud regularly undergoes data protection certification.
  • Access to the cloud CRM system is available around the clock from anywhere in the world where there is internet.

For a business that is rapidly developing and values flexibility, a cloud CRM system is the ideal solution,” says Vasyl Murashko, CRM Studio founder. “In the future, we will work on the development and improvement of the SaaS version of SuiteCRM, and we are confident that GigaCloud experts will help us with this.”